Sunday, February 25, 2007

Vado Roma oggi ( I go to Rome today)

Last night I sat on The 10 for almost an hour. I was returning back to my apartment after going to the Spirit Awards party at Shutters in Santa Monica. This is a trip that should take 15 minutes.

I calmed myself down by repeating, "You are going to Rome, You are going to Rome". I have no idea why there was so much traffic at 6:00 p.m. on a Saturday night. La Cienega was also backed up but that was because of all the pre-Oscar parties.

I am going to try an experiment by dressing a little nicer (by L.A. standards) for my flight. I don't have to be sloppy to be comfortable.

Usually on very long flights I wore these Old Navy cargo pants and my cross trainers (as they were the heavies shoes I traveled with). I think it might be too cold and dark to go walking/jogging at 6:00 a.m. I will be walking alot during the day anyway. I'm leaving the clunky white workout sneakers at home and taking my green and grey Puma sneakers.

Off to the gym, then I have to finish cleaning and packing. I will be spending hours at LAX and six hours at Heathrow. Good thing I have plenty to read.


Shelley - At Home in Rome said...

Buon viaggio cara! Ci vediamo presto!

Unknown said...

I am so very very jealous.