Saturday, May 12, 2007

New strike terms

A very wise friend said to me last night that saying I'm on strike is a negative thing. She brought up the massive supermarket strike that took place in L.A. a couple years ago. We, along with many other people, did not step foot into a Vons, Pavilions or Ralphs until it was over. My friend said I need to be "open for business 24/7." :)

I hear what she is saying but I can't negotiate with only myself. I did notice in NYC and Rome conditions improved greatly.

However, in the spirit of turing a negative into a positive and trying to live in the moment, I will at least sit at the bargaining table. I strongly believe these steps will lead to a positive end of the strike.


gibber said...

you're friend is right. you need to be like 7-11...always open. and while you can't negotiate a strike by yourself, you CAN re-evaluate your terms :)

Anonymous said...

I agree. Keep doing things you love. Be open to something new. (Did you see that movie? :-) Hang in there, and remember that you're not alone.

nyc/caribbean ragazza said...

gibber - working on it.

rose in cali - yes I did see Something New. Simon Baker is very easy on the eyes. :)