Ciao bloggisti,
I am starting yet another spec script so I will be cutting back on blog posts. Instead of posting Monday-Friday, I'm trying for 2-3 times a week.
It's been an interesting past few weeks. I'm trying to stay positive. At some point working 24/7 has to pay off.
I finished the rewrite on the wedding movie. One of the producers gave it to his boss. She loved it. The producers are going out to directors. Once a director is attached then my script will be sent to studios/buyers. Since you can only go to one director at a time, this might be a loooooong process. I have to believe this project will sell or lead to a writing assignment. If not, to say I'm screwed is an understatement. One producer friend said, "so what if it doesn't sell, keep on writing."
No matter what, I will always write but in order to be a working screenwriter one must actually get paid for said work. Like I said in an earlier post, 2009 has to be the year. After 11 years in this crazy, dysfunctional business, I cannot continue to bang my head against a wall.
It's good thing I'm in Rome, where my cost of living expenses are lower. If I were in L.A. trying to do this, it would be beyond depressing. Hearing an actress say, "I told my agent, it's bullshit I'm only making 2.5 million a year" when I'm trying to keep my lights on is not fun.
Being surrounded by everyone hustling to stay in the biz or get in to biz isn't healthy. That energy is not helpful when writing.
I think I had a minor breakthrough. I was/am so worried about being pigeonholed however, there isn't a damn thing I can do about it. It's kind of freeing. I will write what I want to write. I don't give a flying you-know-what-about making movies for teen boys.
I get it. Hollywood is what it is. It's boys club. Always has been, always will be. Thank god there are one or two female and male studio execs who are making movies for everyone, not just the targeted teen boy demographic.
OBSESSED may have received some of the worse reviews I have ever read but that movie, which only cost 20 million to make, is out grossing the much more expensive STATE OF PLAY and THE SOLOLIST. Hollywood only cares about green so maybe some more "urban/black" scripts will be bought. Is it too much to ask that some of them actually be good? grrrr.
Anyway I'm also writing a TV spec pilot. TV scripts have a completely different structure than feature (film) scripts. I'm having fun with it, even though I have no idea what I'm doing.
It's almost the half way point of the year. I'm happy with how things are going creatively. I'm insanely optimistic about the business/financial side. Something positive will happen in the next few months.
Some might say I'm setting myself up for disappointment. However, if I wasn't optimistic, if I really looked at the statistics of how many people like me (not a white male under 30) make it Hollywood, then I would have thrown in the towel years ago.
I have to think this way or I wouldn't be able to get up every single freaking day and work on scripts that might never sell. I wouldn't be able to handle the constant rejection. I would still be full of rage thinking about my horrible first D-girl (Development exec) job in the business.
I love movies, telling stories, hearing stories. I want to continue to work in this business.
I survived getting my Italian residency. Hollywood is not going to break me. ha