Her real name is Stefani Joanne Germanotta . She’s from New York City. Her parents are Italian and she went to Catholic schools. She’s been playing piano since she was four and got her start as a songwriter.
I think she’s a breathe of fresh air. Pop music has becomase so programmed and boring. Plus anyone who takes their stage name from a Queen song is alright with me.
Some of her get ups are priceless. Witness the outfit below. It's a little Grace Jonesish

During a recent interview she was asked what she wanted for Valentines Day. She replied, "A good ***k and some carbs." I almost spit out my water when I read that. ha
Don't we all Lady GaGa, don't we all.
I'll take that over chocolate and roses any day!
Lady Gaga is fab but ahem different. She does have an aversion to pants and supposedly performs in leather thongs
ha! love it. I've tried to like her music...but have to be in the right mood. Also, there's a big controversy over Christina Aguliera (sp?) copying her entire look.
um...just have to add another comment really fast...b/c with that last one I left, the word verification thingy below had me type "in fart". thought I'd share :)
You have to listen to POKER FACE, my daughter (11) insists on this in the car, it pretty much starts my day every day...one of the phrases goes "I'll get him hard, show him what I got!" Not exactly a poker term.
Haha, I downloaded her whole album, but really only liked Just Dance and Poker Face, so kept those. I think it's great that she's not so cookie cutter and has created this fab persona for herself. Seems very European actually.
joanne - ha! I hear you.
skywalker - leather thongs? sounds uncomfortable.
erin - I haven't heard about that controversy. ha (that verification is funny)
lucia - I will have to check out that song. I agree that is not a poker term!
jessica - She's pretty big in europe. I thought she was from here but then read she a New Yorker. Her parents are Italian. I like that she works art and fashion into her show.
I think I'm dyslexic. I read that first as "a good f*** and some crabs", but seems it was carbs!
I like her single and I love performers with edgy style( not reliant on cookie cutter stylists).
I like her V-Day comment. I'm so old school that I have no idea what is cool out there. I still listen to Dean Martin!
glamah16 - ha. I agree. I think stylists can help but it's not good when all their clients start to look the same.
ms. violetta - there is nothing wrong with old school music. I listen to Chopin among others and he's really old. :)
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