The fried pastry, frappe, is in every bakery. These are so good and I’m so happy you can only get them (the handmade ones) during this season.
The confetti is everywhere. I’m tempted to buy a bag myself.
Are you giving up anything for Lent (it starts next week)? In the past I’ve given up candy and Coca-Cola. One year a friend of a friend back in L.A. gave up alcohol, candy, soda and sex. After a week she was unbearable.
These are so addictive.
Looks like fun! I thought Lent was supposed to be sort of somber?
Now this is the Italian version of Mardi Gras? Lent starts next Wednesday. Interesting. I'm going to enjoy my southern style King cake while cussing up a storm prior to midnight on ash wednesday when I have to give it all up.
PS - I'm going to have a fat cheeseburger too because I can't have that either on Fridays!
I love that there's colorful confetti everywhere!
I've never given up anything for Lent. Being Baptist, heck, I never even heard of Lent until I got to college, or maybe afterwards.
Those pastries do look (and sound) good. I see what you mean about it being good that they're only available for a short while each year.
lilacspecs - Lent starts next week. Skywalker is correct this is like the Italian version of Carnevale/Mardi Gras. I'm very curious to see how Lent/Good Friday/Easter is celebrated here.
skywalker - yes. In other cities there are big celebrations, like in Venice. You enjoy that cake, cussing and cheeseburger. ha
kim b. - I was raised Methodist but the biggest church in our town was Our Lady of the Lake. All my friends would give up things for Lent and on Ash Wednesday the majority of the kids in my high school had asses on their foreheads.
The pastries are like crack. I try to avoid them. ha
This looks like exactly the kind of celebrations that I love. And considerinf the Ghiradelli chococlate brownies I gobbled down at midnight, I'm glad I'm not there to be tempted. I grew up very resentful of restrictive Catholic practices and all of the suffering that was supposed to be so good. So I never give up anything for Lent as way of sticking it to all those restrictions. My mother will probably be phoning shortly to see what I plan to abstain from for Lent...
Ooh, I forgot about those when is carnevale this year?
I'll be discussing those frappe (sort of) tomorrow...YUM!
NYC/Caribbean ragazza, last time I was in Rome in September Tracie B (My Life Italian) suggested that I get a recommendation from you for best pajata. I wrote you but she didn't have a current email address for you. Would love to get your best pic! Happy martedì grasso... Jeremy
I'm bad. I never give up anything.
That does look like fun. Rome is a fun town.
I'm giving up celibacy for Lent.
ha ha
fly girl - good luck with that phone call. I know how it is. ha
charlie - Isn't it going on now? Or is it next Tuesday (the day before Lent)?
michelle - I look forward to your post. I hope you don't have a recipe. I might be tempted. heh
do bianchi - pajata? Okay why do I not know what that is. If you click on my Flickr page (check near the bottom of my blog) you can email me that way.
glamah16 - :)
ms. violetta - Ha! Hmmm maybe I should give that up too.
I had no idea they were called "frappe". In Milan they're called "chiacchiere". Funny, non? I guess every region has their own name for it. But anyway you call it, it tastes divine and that's what counts! Also, we have to wait a little longer for Carnival celebrations, on Saturday instead of Tuesday.
milanese - I agree. I don't care about the name just the taste. ha
pajata, I bet that some of your Roman friends know some awesome places. It's a classic Roman dish: veal intestines cooked in tomato sauce served over rigatoni. If you come across a great place that serves it, I'd love to find out... thanks!
do bianchi - I like to think that I am an adventurous eater. That said, I don't think I will be trying veal intestines any times soon. However, I will keep my eyes and ears open for you.
oh, seeing all these posts about Carnevale makes me miss last year in Italy around this time...especially all the fried goodies and confetti-filled streets :)
erin - it's so fun and festive. I had some frappe yesterday. I couldn't resist.
i really miss pizzelle! that was one of my favourite sweet things to eat when i was there...
dalia - oh those are good too, especially with a little Nutella.
Looks delicious.
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