Recenty I have read a few memoirs. Unlike that fake gansta chick Margaret what's-her-name, these are really non-fiction. Trey Ellis' book BEDTIME STORIES: ADVENTURES IN THE LAND OF SINGLE FATHERHOOD, is funny and bittersweet. After his talented, beautiful wife leaves him for a New Age lifestyle, he becomes the primary caretaker for their two small children. At the same time he comes down with a life threatening disease, his screenwriter career is cold and he has to sell his house. Things are not looking good. He also talks about his upbringing, (being called the N word and an Oreo..during the same day) full of tragedy (what happened to his parents) and comedy.

Lori L. Tharps' book KINKY GAZPACHO:LIFE, LOVE & SPAIN also touches on some of the issues Trey writes about. Raised in well-to-do suburbs of Milwaukee, she was often the only person of color in her school. Once in college she finds some black kids are not feeling her. Lori decides Spain will be the place she will fit in. However, Spain is not what she thought would be. She vows not to be a study aboard cliche and have a romance with a local since she will be leaving. Of course she ends up meeting the love of her life. I read this book in one afternoon, very funny and thoughtful. I could so relate to some of her jr. high and high school drama.

THE LAST SINGLE WOMAN IN AMERICA by Cindy Guidry hit a little close to home. Cindy was an executive on a film I worked on. This is her first book. A couple years ago during the span of a few months, she is fired from her high profile job and her husband-to-be has gotten another woman pregnant. Everyone keeps asking her why is she so darn happy? Shouldn't she be depressed? After all she is a single woman over 40, living in a one-bedroom apartment and no longer working for a studio. In Hollywood that is tragic! Guidry explores confusing gender roles, the whole work vs having a life balance thing and goes off on Internet dating. Ha.
I've heard Kinky Gazpacho is a good book. I have to add that to my list. And I think the American concept of work-life balance is ridiculous. It's not even close to balanced.
Oh these all look fabulous! Thanks for sharing :)
OMG, I think I could write my own Kinky Gazpacho and call it Pervy Pancetta. The same EXACT thing happened to me. Against my good judgement, I got together with my husband during my year abroad. Anyway, thanks for the tips and I'm definitely interested in reading that one.
liz - re: work-life I agree. It's one of the main reasons I'm outta here.
bleeding espresso - you're welcome.
linda - ha, your title is hilarious.
These all sound great. They're now on my list.
all of these sound great, thanks for the reccs. i had to google lori i remember her from a reading i attended for her 'untangling roots' book when i was an undergrad -- looks like a lot has changed for her since then!
jen - hope you enjoy them.
shelby - Lori has a blog where she covers some of the same themes of the book. She is a very talented writer.
These sound like great reads. They're going on my list. Thanks!
wordtryst - you're welcome.
I absolutely love that cover. The premise, although some might think is typical, seems unique to me. I'll keep an eye out for it up here in Canadaland.
Chumplet - Thanks for stopping by. I agree. It is a great cover.
Thank you for sharing what seem to be very interesting books. I will definitely check them out here. I currently live and work as a photographer here in Seoul, South Korea. (my first time living in Asia after having spent many years in France and Sweden). Am thinking of studying in Italy for a summer or longer in Perugia or Rome.
Will definitely add you to my blogroll.
ciao felicia - thanks for stopping by! Hope you enjoy the books.
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