Thursday, September 11, 2008

Seven years later Osama is still chilling,

while our administration is spending billions a month in Iraq.

Rest in peace Nigel.


Jen said...

Did you see the Cohen op-ed piece in the Times yesterday?

I'm sorry for your loss, and for the loss of so many innocent men, women, and children, both on September 11th and since.

glamah16 said...

Yes its hard to believe we havent 'found ' him. I hope one day it will all come to light. 7 years later and sometimes I feel like Im still waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Lenoxave said...

Amen! That is all.

nyc/caribbean ragazza said...

jen - yes I did. Thanks for the kinds words.

glamah16 - I know the caves are pretty deep but I though he had a serious kidney problem. How is he getting his medicine?

sdg1844 - I feel for the families and my friends who's lives will never be the same.

Anonymous said...

Your post (and title) say it all.

nyc/caribbean ragazza said...

j. doe - thanks. I wish I didn't have to write it.

Diana Strinati Baur said...

I just read the the Cohen piece that Jen mentioned in the above comment. I have been harboring a lot of diffused anger and resentment the past couple of weeks at Palin's nomination to the VP GOP post. Cohen's piece put it in the larger perspective for me. It is a decisive time, and Osama is still at large, and I don't even begin to know how you, ragazza, and others deal with the personal loss of those first days when the world really did change. It is as if those losses and that event set in motion events which will determine the future of the United States and its role in the world-- and therefore will determine the future of the world. Your friend/loved one's loss was not in vain. It changed the course of all of our destiny.

dalia said...

i feel like if they really wanted to get him, they'd have done it already. they can track someone down who committed a murder 25 years ago thru DNA testing, but they can't (with all their heat seeking missiles and sensors and night vision and whatnot) find osama? gimme a break. he and bush likely have little chats before they go to bed at night.

i am sorry for your loss.

nyc/caribbean ragazza said...

diana - I agree with you. I know my reaction to that ticket has a lot to do with our post 9/11 world.

dalia - thank you. I don't think they know actually where he is (if he's still alive) but the general area. I get that the terrain there is horrible and he is guarded like crazy but come on. We should have never switched our focus to Iraq.

I'm sure Bush and co would love nothing more than to find him...right before the election. Talk about October surprise.